The key component of accomplishing both (influencing & improving) together comes down to one thing – information.
Specifically, knowing how to frame information to create a vivid mental image around your solution, intently to boost the retainment of its value.
You’ve heard how risk & emotion were the two core focus areas throughout my research; included alongside is one other primary topic – memory.
To maximize persuasive impact of communication, whether it be written or spoken, it’s important to take steps to make your message STICKIER.
We expand on ‘sticky messaging’ (much) deeper in A NEW ERA Part-III, but I will loop-in various memory insights throughout, as it plays a large role in strategy formulation.
Since we’re on the topic, an important thing to understand is that the stickiest messages are also the most .
For example, I know that many react negatively to above ‘hand font.’ Similarly, there will be some who dislike my use of character contrast and color. But I also know, the contrast is what makes messages stick.
Note how I'm not writing a business email or trying to sell you anything. If I we’re, the message would look & feel different – depending on my purpose.
Top Takeaway: the makeup of your message, no matter the strength of content, dictates how the information is received by your audience (+/-). Composition is key; always adapt around the audience and call out key points that you want to convey.